
White paper: A financial center for sustainable growth Priorities for action
23 February 2022
Viewed 222 times
Our White Paper, which brings together some fifteen proposals from Paris EUROPLACE to promote the financial center and consolidate its strengths, is currently being presented to the main teams in the presidential campaign.
These include
- Integrate the objective of competitiveness of the French financial center into the statutory mandate of our financial regulatory authorities, as is now the case in other European countries.)
- Accelerate the development of employee savings and shareholding, in particular by extending the abolition of the forfait social to all companies.
- Reduce the imbalance in social charges between France and other European countries, in order to bring France's labor costs into line with the European average.
- Stabilize our country's regulatory and tax framework, which is a major factor in France's international standing.
- Implement collective action, bringing together all stakeholders - government, industry and the financial center - to give concrete form to France's commitments to carbon neutrality 2050, specify targets and put in place a roadmap that engages the entire ecosystem.
The White Paper (full version and summary version) is available in our Publications section.