
Alain PITHON takes part in ANACOFI's Grand Débat

12 January 2021 Events
Viewed 216 times

On December 15, our General Secretary, Alain Pithon, took part in the "How to get back on track" panel at ANACOFI's Grand Débat with :

  • Éric Pinon (President AFG)
  • Jean-Noël Barrot (MP for Yvelines, Vice-Chairman of the National Assembly's Finance Committee, Secretary General of MODEM)
  • Julien Aubert (MP for Vaucluse - Regional Councillor for the South of France)
  • David Charlet (President of ANACOFI)
  • Florence Lustman (President, Fédération Française de l'Assurance)

The Grand Débat was also an opportunity to present the reports of our Investors and Companies Committees.

The full program is available here

Watch the replays of the two panels on YouTube:

The reports of the two Paris EUROPLACE panels are available on our website:

  • Collège Investisseurs - Investir Utile et Responsable - Les propositions du Pôle Investisseurs de la Place de Paris
  • Collège Entreprises - The stock market as a lever for recovery - 12 proposals to facilitate market financing of companies